Managing knowledge gaps on returning to school

It is widely accepted and understood that there is a range of abilities within any classroom. Teachers are experts at delivering curriculum suited to this range. However, the COVID-19 restrictions forcing schools to close and students to learn online will result in a greater range than normal when students return.
The added burden that this places on teachers may be unsustainable and schools must have a plan to cope with students who now appear to be in need of intensive instruction. Many schools will do this well and others will struggle.
Many parents will not want to wait to see if the school can provide this additional instruction and will search for tutors to "fill in the gaps."
Parents must be extremely cautious in selecting a tutor and only deal with those tutors/organisations that have a background in and a firm understanding of, education.
Mohan Dhall, the ATA CEO, was recently interviewed on 2GB by Luke Grant to discuss recent issues facing the tutoring industry. Mohan mentions many of the above points and when referring to online tutoring, states that "only a few businesses have managed to effectively ...deliver tutoring... where students can learn at their own pace...and only a few organisations do that to date."
The Tutoring Company is one of these organisations.
Jenny Pownall is an experienced teacher and special needs educator and available to assist parents with the right advice when they are considering a tutor.
The Tutoring Company has a well established online platform, in addition to its home-based services.