Archive for October 2020

How to Write a Tutoring Industry Business Plan
Many tutoring businesses fail or thrive to grow because the owners do not have a clear idea of the current state of their business and how they want to grow.
A Business Plan is the necessary means to address this and this guide provides tutoring industry-specific guidelines.
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How To Start Your Tutoring Business
Starting a tutoring business is an exciting time. But, did you know that the majority of new businesses fail within the first 12 months?
Avoid the many pitfalls with this guide.
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Jenny Pownall Interviewed on ABC Radio.
As an ATA Board member, Jenny was interviewed by Patricia Karvelos on ABC Radio regarding the Victorian Government announcement of the 2021 "Tutors in Schools" program.
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Career Planning for VCE Students
Planning for 2021 can be quite a daunting task for many VCE students, especially when they may not have had access to their career's counsellor.
This blog looks at some simple things students can do now and who they can turn to for support and advice.
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